Aanderaa GeoView is a web based display solution for environmental data display.
Aanderaa GeoView is part of the Aanderaa Real-Time Solution. This gives the user vast opportunities for interfacing meteorological, oceanographpic, or other environmental research equipment in a networked solution giving access to data real-time.
The Aanderaa GeoView has the following functionality:
- Web based application showing real-time data in a standard browser
- Display of both real-time and historical data in graphs
- Datastorage and retrieval from included database
- Zoom on time scale to study a subset of the data for a certain parameter
- Standard statistic analysis for min, max, average over selectable intervals
- Possible to show data from one or more stations in the same display if desired
- Options for several pages with for instance one station per page
- Options for including maps to use as a menu system to navigate between data from different sites